Hello gang! How are you? Tell me in the Comments or Private Messages because, I would love to know more about you and help you if I can! I am taking a rest from my great race! It's 6:47 AM at this moment and I am tired but also not tired ._. I wish I could sleep but I feel weird like I'm being watched. Anyways! I am so glad that I finished my art! I wish you guys will love it! Please share my page with your friends so, I will have even more motivation to keep making stuff for YOU and getting better, giving you each time better content! Okay, I hear spooky noises and I'm freaking out. Don't stay up all night people, it's bad. I am having illusions and that kind of stuff and I'm scared af lol. If this is my last post I want you all to know that... I love... Bananas... And YOU of course! Anyways, I got to sleep before the imaginary ghosts grab me and send me at another dimension XD Oh boy, I want to text even more and more but I have to stop to go to sleep :( *more spoopy sounds* Bruh. Well, I really go to go, when I wake up I'll text you people more and tell you some stuff about me, some of my plans and that kind of stuff! Also you should ask me questions! I will answer them in another post! I will make another post which is only about YOU sending me questions and after that post I will upload your questions which, I'll answer! I wish you got plenty! You can ask as many as you want! I'll answer them all! Go ahead! Good night! I love you all! See you later! :D